Trees Forest” by Sebastian Unrau/ CC0 1.0

Where Have You Gone?

Where have you gone?
Your light shone
So bright
Is it no longer on?

I know you’ve been feeling strange of late
In the pit of your stomach, an ache
Crawling under you skin at night
Do you really just want a break?

From us, just tell me
I’ll understand
Just help me
To know what you’ve planned

As the last time we spoke
You said you’d be fine
“Unless I die”
What’s going on in your mind?

Your stomach would ache
And I’d hold you near
You’d been using a lot
That was quite clear

Then you never came back
Just a void, full of black
Where you used to be
Just you and me

Where have you gone?
Are you okay?
Will I see you again?
I love you, my friend

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Amateur poet (33f) who has an interest specifically in mental health, music and cooking. Looking to connect with and resonate with others who experience difficulties in life due to mental illness and difficult life circumstances, through poetry.


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