Trees Forest” by Sebastian Unrau/ CC0 1.0

Tag: memories

  • Souls Entwined by Similar Minds

    One night by chance, a meeting in the dark
    External beauty caught my eye, glimmering soul caught my heart
    We walked by the overpass, jumped and then laughed
    “Where do I live again?”
    Hardly felt time pass

    I started to get nervous and you soothed my anxious soul
    Your kindness always shone so bright, whilst life took its toll
    I love the way you held me, would give anything to hear your tone
    So gentle in your subtle ways, the way you made me moan

    I don’t know what we talked about then
    Or in the days to come
    Our bodies communicated for us some of the time
    And fuck me, that was fun

    The nurse asked if I was being abused
    My neck so beautifully bruised
    From the touch of your lips on my neck and my clit
    Her concern had me highly amused

    Souls entwined by similar minds
    Dance through the depth of your knowing eyes
    When I think of your suffering, I feel pain too
    It starts small, but ascends to the sky

    It stings and burns, it makes me yearn
    For the softness of your skin, you’re truly my kin
    Not everyone knows, the heaviness of the woes
    That we weather my love
    I carry your heart

    I knew something was wrong as the silence grew long
    And I thought of your dark despair
    But you found me again and I found you, my friend
    You brought new life, like first Autumn’s air

    So when sometimes we speak, my solace peaks
    Cos I know you’ve been going through hell
    But if you’re able to write, then maybe some of your plight
    Has dropped off, like coins down a well

    I can never fully know you, you can never know me
    Can never fully understand the inner turmoil of the other
    But you helped me just by being you
    If you could let me in I’d strive all hours of the day too
    To help you to uncover

    Your inner world is rich, I want to bathe in it
    Have so much love for you, not only when we were lovers
    When I hear you call, my heart stands proud and tall
    You’ve really helped me to recover

    So when all’s said and done, we had such fun
    Then life pulled us in separate ways
    But I feel you, I see you, you’re in my dreams
    Love you always, til the end of our days

    Fellow human, I love you so
    Not in a weird way but you should know
    Because it’s hard to connect in this life
    I find comfort in knowing you know my darker side
    And you value my struggles and strife

    One day I’ll astral project all the way to Birkenhead
    Our souls will embrace in the dead of night
    I’ll hold yours, you’ll hold mine and if we fuck then that’s fine
    But we don’t have to, it’s enough to hold you in my sight

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