Trees Forest” by Sebastian Unrau/ CC0 1.0

Tag: love

  • Always

    I feel like my throat is cut
    As fresh as 9 years ago
    Why is this?
    What’s wrong with me?

    Attachment issues
    Feeling close to those so far away
    And alienated from those who reside close
    It’s fucked up to say the least

    We may have grown apart
    Over the years
    But I really love you, you know
    As odd as this may seem

    How could I not?
    I try incessantly to connect
    It’s really not fair on either
    So I’ll say goodbye

    But I am always here if you need me.


  • I Miss You

    I miss you

    Is it strange that I miss you, you who knew me only briefly several years ago?

    Perhaps it is, but it’s true and my feelings are the only things I know to be real in this life

    Everyone disappears, everything changes, the only constant is that

    I miss you

  • Dopamine

    There is no-one in the world I would like to be near right now, except for you
    I’m not sure how you feel about this, a meeting of just us two
    I want to say more, but I’ll keep this clean
    It’s all about the dopamine

    I’d like a hit in many senses of the word
    Would you do this for me, would my request be heard?
    I know what you could bring to the table
    The thought of it makes me unstable

    Back to the beginning, back to the primitive
    No thoughts, just sensations to play with
    And dopamine, one hit, then another
    I’d definitely need some time to recover

    Then back to the real world
    My head in a swirl
    Reality must always be found again
    But we could play for a moment at least, my dopamine friend

  • Over-familiarity

    A term I used clinically
    But lately I am developing some clarity
    That it relates to… me

    And how I relate to others

    I am driven somehow
    To reach out
    and out
    and out
    To people who I don’t deeply know now

    Why is this?

    We knew each other in the past
    And I wished that our knowing would last
    Extend to the present
    And the future
    Perhaps eternity
    So I continue this farce

    But at what cost?

    I keep you tethered
    Though our relationship is weathered
    As is my dignity
    And your patience
    And the illusion of a friendship
    That would naturally be severed

    If I let it die a natural death.

  • Why?

    Beauty from within
    Enhanced by that which is little bigger than a pin
    My pupils dilated when I saw you
    So I could take every inch of your soul in

    What a beautiful vessel for such beautiful essence
    You were ethereal, so much so that I could not make sense
    Of it – why should someone so luminous and kind feel so hollow?
    The question swallowed me whole, it was intense


  • Seismic Shift

    I’ve always viewed things in a certain way
    But that view has changed today
    Something has shifted, a veil somewhat lifted
    I’ve learned some hard truths along the way

    I kind of wish things weren’t so
    But I think it’s important for me to know
    What you have lived through, the shit that’s been put on you
    It’s amazing that you still glow

    So how do I reconcile these two worldviews?
    Put myself in your shoes
    But stand firmly in mine
    At the same time?

    I’ll try to accept the ebb and flow
    Of my view of the past and what I now know
    And be aware, but not curb my care
    As my love for you truly flows

    I’ll ride out this seismic shift of sorts,
    Try to gather my shaken thoughts
    Hold you all near me, and care for you dearly
    And hopefully things won’t be too fraught

  • Wish

    Throw a coin down the well
    Make a wish but don’t tell
    If you tell then it won’t come true
    And if you don’t, it won’t too

    I wished for you.

  • Everyone Leaves (Torn Apart)

    When, if ever, will you return?
    Without you my soul burns
    I don’t like the heat

    Everyone leaves eventually
    Some sooner than others
    To strive for eternal love equals defeat

    I have unhealthy attachments
    Some too intense, others lacking
    Is there a middle in which to meet?

    Who am I referring to?
    Myself? Another? An ex? My father?
    Isolation so profound, I can’t speak

  • Untethered

    You laughed
    I wanted to hold this image in my mind forever
    Will it be repressed when you’re gone?
    When I am untethered?

    To be untethered in this world is a terrifying thought
    Losing one parent meant losing my mind, this happened before, do you remember?
    To lose you as well, my sanity might well dwindle
    Turn from small fire to barely smouldering embers

    So when my mind’s gone to join you in the aether
    What will become of me?
    I’ll die when you die, and perhaps heavily sigh
    For a part of me will be lost at sea

  • When You Are Gone

    What will become of me
    When you are gone?
    Will it be different to the last time?

    How long do we have left?
    Are our days numbered?
    I wonder about this all the time

    No-one can say
    You tell me “live for each day”
    Your wisdom divine

    So when you do go
    I’ll try not to follow
    My memory of you enshrined

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