Trees Forest” by Sebastian Unrau/ CC0 1.0

Tag: break-up

  • Everyone Leaves (Torn Apart)

    When, if ever, will you return?
    Without you my soul burns
    I don’t like the heat

    Everyone leaves eventually
    Some sooner than others
    To strive for eternal love equals defeat

    I have unhealthy attachments
    Some too intense, others lacking
    Is there a middle in which to meet?

    Who am I referring to?
    Myself? Another? An ex? My father?
    Isolation so profound, I can’t speak

  • Self-loathing

    Sitting there one night
    I decided to eat everything in sight
    I hated myself long before this
    So I decided to fill myself literally with shit

    It felt good to fuck myself up
    And so it became a habit that stuck
    A slow painful death was what I deserved
    According to the self-talk that I constantly heard

    I wondered if I might bring on a heart attack
    And that this would be a blessing in fact
    No desire to live, hope draining as if in a sieve
    I had nothing left to give

    So consume I did, to excess, over and over
    I became adept at being a self-loather
    Hurting myself was better than being hurt by another
    As that hurt was too painful from which to recover

  • I Shine

    Mind ensnared by you all this time
    Heart I shared with you, you crushed, though it’s mine
    Fuck off over there in the corner you swine
    Everything you said to me a lie, still I shine

    I shine because I’m rid of you
    I shine because you’re gone
    I shine because I’ve stamped you out
    Though it made me feel so wrong

    I shine because we never speak
    I shine because that’s it!
    I shine because we’ll never meet
    Stay gone, you piece of shit

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