Trees Forest” by Sebastian Unrau/ CC0 1.0

Seismic Shift

I’ve always viewed things in a certain way
But that view has changed today
Something has shifted, a veil somewhat lifted
I’ve learned some hard truths along the way

I kind of wish things weren’t so
But I think it’s important for me to know
What you have lived through, the shit that’s been put on you
It’s amazing that you still glow

So how do I reconcile these two worldviews?
Put myself in your shoes
But stand firmly in mine
At the same time?

I’ll try to accept the ebb and flow
Of my view of the past and what I now know
And be aware, but not curb my care
As my love for you truly flows

I’ll ride out this seismic shift of sorts,
Try to gather my shaken thoughts
Hold you all near me, and care for you dearly
And hopefully things won’t be too fraught

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Amateur poet (33f) who has an interest specifically in mental health, music and cooking. Looking to connect with and resonate with others who experience difficulties in life due to mental illness and difficult life circumstances, through poetry.


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