Trees Forest” by Sebastian Unrau/ CC0 1.0


A term I used clinically
But lately I am developing some clarity
That it relates to… me

And how I relate to others

I am driven somehow
To reach out
and out
and out
To people who I don’t deeply know now

Why is this?

We knew each other in the past
And I wished that our knowing would last
Extend to the present
And the future
Perhaps eternity
So I continue this farce

But at what cost?

I keep you tethered
Though our relationship is weathered
As is my dignity
And your patience
And the illusion of a friendship
That would naturally be severed

If I let it die a natural death.

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Amateur poet (33f) who has an interest specifically in mental health, music and cooking. Looking to connect with and resonate with others who experience difficulties in life due to mental illness and difficult life circumstances, through poetry.


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