Trees Forest” by Sebastian Unrau/ CC0 1.0

Category: Recovery

  • Toxic

    I may not understand quantum mechanics
    But I do know this
    I hate you
    Whether you observe me or not
    I still hate you

    Unobserved, I can both love you and hate you simultaneously
    But lay your eyes on me and I must choose one
    And it will always be hate

    Schrödinger’s love died in the box I’m afraid
    The box you sealed and left it in there to die with nothing but toxic air to breathe
    What a relief when it was gone

    Go fuck yourself in the corner of my mind that I have to push you into to survive

  • Safe Space

    There is a place that only I know
    In the depths of my mind, aglow
    I can go there when frightened
    And emerge, enlightened
    From the peace that I find when I go

    So what is it like, this haven, you ask
    It’s a forest of trees under whose shade I bask
    With a stream running through it
    And and a row of shiny toilets upon which you can sit
    If the need arises

    It is sunny but shaded
    Somewhat mystically aged
    Flowers hugging the trees
    No-one else around, just me
    There is a wisdom beyond which you can imagine

    I have a pillow and a blanket
    But lie upon the grass, anchored
    The grass is cool to the touch
    The blanket just warm enough
    The stream babbles and birds sing in the sky

    So when frantic I feel
    I abandon the real
    And retreat inward
    Hearing the word
    “Beautiful” repeat.


  • Awakening

    Stepping from the bright to dark
    From glaring sun to rain
    I felt a brain and body spark
    Alleviate the pain

    Dreaming of mind sinking
    In another realm
    It shocked me into thinking
    And led to overwhelm

    It spoke my name softly
    But persistently too
    I listened hard, I listened fast
    And so it grew and grew

    But somewhere between sleep and wake
    My senses came to
    I let go of that stabbing ache
    And sanity shone through.

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