Trees Forest” by Sebastian Unrau/ CC0 1.0

Category: Mental Illness

  • Needles

    Fear can turn to anger
    I’ve seen this many times
    I know you only long to be free
    For your former life, you pine

    I’m so sorry that I did this to you
    I know it caused you pain
    Emotionally and physically
    And the trauma will remain

    It hurt me too, to go against your will
    The first time it shocked me, it haunts me still
    “I promise you it’s for the best”, in time we might see
    You are steadfast like a tree

    So after the storm, does the experience feel the same?
    When the calm has returned and you can smile again?
    I hope you can see it through a different lens
    As you begin to heal and mend

    Capacity was lost when you struggled the most
    I know it’s unfair, it was hell
    But remember this, precious neighbour
    You’ll have a story full of hope and better days, to tell

    You are amazing.

  • Confronting Feelings

    I eat to stop my feelings

    I eat to make them soar

    I eat too much and drink too much

    And end up on the floor

    I used to be so different 

    I used to have control

    I’m working on this, but substances

    Have truly taken their toll

    So see me in the future 

    What does the future hold?

    I can beat it if I can feel it

    Or so that’s what I’m told

  • Ripped At The Seams

    He put a hole in my heart
    I put a hole in my hand
    Life put a hole in my head
    For which I never planned

    It struck me down in my youth
    Can fix a hole in a wall
    Or a hole in a tooth
    But sanity falls like a neck through a noose

    So catch it you say
    It can’t be that hard
    Just put out your hands
    Try to catch the shards

    I’ve tried that and tried
    It’s harder than it seems
    It appears that you lied
    My mind’s ripped at the seams

  • The Game

    Psychotic brain
    In my dreams again
    Took the pills, near-death thrills
    What does this mean again?

    Neurotic brain
    When awake always the same
    Anxious mind, peace to find
    What’s this fucked up game?

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